Warranted Psychotherapist
Melissa Mifsud
Melissa Mifsud is a warranted and experienced Systemic Psychotherapist in Malta, who is dedicated to offer a safe space for those who seek emotional support. Melissa is qualified to work with families and couples through Family Therapy and Couple psychotherapy. Through Psychotherapy, Melissa addresses various issues with her clients who come from various backgrounds and experience different life events. She also has several years of experience working with children and adolescents.
Located in the heart of Tarxien and Birgu, Malta.
Online sessions are also available.

Individual Therapy
Psychotherapy sessions will focus on the needs of the individual. It deals with a variety of mental health concerns such as anxiety, stress and depression. The focus on personal development is always put at the forefront. Through therapeutic interventions you will be supported to deal with life's challenges.

Therapy for Children and Adolescents
Therapeutic support is provided to children and adolescents during difficult times. Support is also offered to their families and caregivers.

Family Therapy
Family Therapy will focus on strengthen family bonds. Families are provided with a supportive space to work on present difficulties and issues.

Couple Therapy
Couple Therapy will offer a safe space for the couple to work on strengthening the relationship. Couples who are experiencing difficulties are welcomed to seek support so that the relationship is strengthened and revitalized.
“Melissa's approach to therapy has been transformative for me and my family. Her compassion, understanding, and expertise have helped us navigate some of our toughest times together.”
“Melissa kienet ta' ghajnuna kbira ghalija u ghal partner tieghi f'mument difficli. Mhux kulhadd kien qed jifhem is-sitwazzjoni taghna u hi kienet hemm ghalina".
Contact us
Ready to take the next step? Get in touch today.
Melissa Mifsud - Psychotherapist
Tarxien, Birgu, Malta